Presentation of an SPS journal paper
SPAWC 2024 offers the opportunity for accepted authors of SPS journals to present their results to conference attendees.
Submissions must meet the following criteria to be eligible:
- The journal paper must have been published by SPS after April 12th, 2023 and before April 11th, 2024;
- The paper topic should be aligned with the conference’s technical program, and authors should select relevant EDICS from the conference list;
- The paper has not been previously submitted to other conferences;
- Authors of accepted journal papers must meet the same registration requirements as all authors, including the total number of papers that can be covered by a single registration
Accepted journal papers will be included in the conference proceedings given to conference attendees, but will not be published in the proceedings that appear on IEEEXplore.
Further information can be found here.
Submit an SPS journal paper presentation request to SPAWC
Please submit your paper electronically using EDAS, choosing the track “SPL/SPJ Presentation Papers”. Please note that this track is password-protected, and the password is “SPS“.
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