Today’s students are tomorrow’s research leaders. To help them attending the conference, SPAWC 2024, with the support of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS), offers a limited number of travel grants. These grants are open to all promising students, including those who do not have a paper in SPAWC 2024 but whose research career will greatly benefit from attending SPAWC 2024.
Amount of travel grants
The award amount per student will be a maximum of $500 (for people traveling from Europe) or $1,000 (for people traveling from outside Europe). The award amount will be used to offset the costs of attending SPAWC 2024 for students, which may include student registration fees, airfare, ground transportation charges, and meal and lodging expenses. Awards will be disbursed shortly after the conference in the form of reimbursement based on actual receipts provided by the awardees.
Prospective candidates for student travel awards can submit their applications via email, at travelgrants@spawc2024.org
The application must include:
- a letter from the applicant’s advisor supporting his/her application, confirming enrollment status of the student;
- an estimate of costs (transportation, meals, and lodging) for attending SPAWC 2024;
- a clarification as to who will cover expenses in case they exceed the awarded amount;
- if applicable, SPAWC 2024 paper number(s) coauthored by the applicant.
Important dates
- Application submission due: July 15, 2024
- Notification to the applicants: July 31, 2024
Local Committee
Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications
Platinum Sponsor
Organizing Secretariat
First Class Meetings and Conferences