The papers must be submitted in PDF format (see formatting instructions below).

Paper Submission
Please submit your paper electronically using EDAS.
Please choose the corresponding track for your paper. Invited sessions tracks are reserved and will require a password that you should request from the session organizer.
Please see EDAS instructions for authors for additional information.
Student Paper Award
Papers (including those of invited sessions) whose first author is a student are eligible for the student paper award. Please check the corresponding box in the submission form.
Camera-ready Paper Submission
A full registration is required for final manuscript submission. Each full registration can cover up to four papers. See the registration page for details.
Paper Formatting Instructions
Authors are invited to submit original unpublished work, not currently under review by another conference, workshop or journal.
Full papers should be restricted to 5 pages (in 10pt Times Roman font, double column, US letter size, 8.5 x 11 inches, IEEE format).
Use the standard IEEE conference templates for Word/LaTeX. If you use LaTeX, begin the file with
(please note that most recent TeX installations already contain the IEEEtran package, so then there is no need to download it again from the above link).
All papers must include title, complete contact information of all authors, abstract and up to 5 keywords.
No headers, footers, or page numbers should appear on your manuscript.
Important Notes on Plagiarism
Authors are required to submit material that is original and has not been published or submitted for consideration elsewhere. Author misconduct, including fabrication of results and plagiarism of the work of others, shall be subject to sanctions by the IEEE under the rules of Member Conduct.
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Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications
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Organizing Secretariat
First Class Meetings and Conferences